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The Legacy Circle

Planned gifts to People’s Light secure the Theatre for future generations. Designating People’s Light in your will or other estate plans also provides excellent tax benefits to you.

The Legacy Circle at People’s Light recognizes members in our playbills (if you wish) and with invitations to exclusive People’s Light events.

Ways to Join
Will or revocable trust

Include a gift to People’s Light in your will or revocable trust. Your estate receives a charitable deduction for the bequest.

Life income trust

Establish a life income trust. You receive annual payments as you contribute to People’s Light. This planned gift provides you an income tax deduction, reduces your estate taxes, and protects your financial security during your lifetime.

Designate People’s Light as a beneficiary of part or all of the remainder of your IRA or retirement plan

Distributions from retirement plans at the death of the account-holder’s survivor can be subject to both income and estate taxes. But if you name People’s Light as the beneficiary of the remainder of your retirement plan, 100% of the remaining balance goes to the Theatre without taxation. Simply notify your plan’s administrator, and complete a “Change of Beneficiary” form.

Beneficiary of life insurance

Name People’s Light as a beneficiary or owner of an existing life insurance policy, or purchase a new policy to benefit the Theatre.

Charitable gift annuity or remainder trust

When you give to People’s Light through one of these vehicles, you receive an immediate charitable tax deduction and potential savings in capital gains and estate tax; then you or a designee collect timely, fixed payments for you and/or your spouse's lifetimes – the older you are, the higher your payment rate.

Consult First

Consult with your own tax accountant, financial advisor, and/or attorney as appropriate. When you are ready to make a planned gift, or for further information on our Legacy Circle program, please contact Michelle Johnson, Associate Director of Development, at 484-343-7331.

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