People’s Light: The Diary of Anne Frank, Aladdin, Moon Over Buffalo, Richard III, Arthur and the Tale of the Red Dragon, Cinderella, The Winter’s Tale, Mr. Hart & Mr. Brown, The Emperor’s New Clothes, Gossamer, King Lear, Crispin: The Cross Of Lead, Getting Near To Baby, Robinhood, Twelfth Night, Splittin The Raft, Jack & The Beanstalk, The Crucible, Fabulation, The Miser, Sleeping Beauty, Julius Caesar, The Adventures Of Pinocchio, Crow and Weasel, Hush: An Interview With America, The Tempest, Wind In The Willows.
Theatre Includes: West Side Story (1st National Tour); The Runner Stumbles (Off-Broadway revival); The Whaleship Essex (Vineyard Playhouse); When You Comin Back, Red Ryder? (Retro Productions); Metamorphoses, Macbeth, A Little Night Music, Candide, Assassins, and The Stinky Cheeseman (Arden Theatre); 26 productions with The Pennsylvania Shakespeare Festival including Loves Labours Lost, Pericles, Henry VIII, Dracula: The Journal of Jonathan Harker, Charley’s Aunt, Hamlet, The Glass Menagerie, Twelfth Night, As You Like It, and Macbeth; Amadeus (Hedgerow Theatre); The Pavilion (Chester Theatre Co); The Compleat Wrks of Wllm Shkspr (abridged), A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Hamlet, The Taming of the Shrew (Orlando Shakespeare Theatre).
Film/Television Includes: Law & Order.
Training: DeSales University; People’s Light.